The Divers Recall is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and runs entirely on the generous donations from our sponsors and the products we sell at fundraisers, online, and at the reunion, and admission. The entrance fee alone is not enough to pay for the entire event, so a special thanks to all the people who donate.
The Divers Recall has four levels of sponsorship available to partners this year. Each level will have increasing amounts of exposure and free advertisement included as part of the sponsorship package.- Platinum
- $500 and above
- Your name or company name and logo on the banner at the Recall
- Your company logo (provided by you) and a link to your website will be posted on the home page of the Divers Recall website.
- Gold
- $250 - $499
- Your name or company name on the banner at the Recall
- A link to your website will be posted on the home page of the Divers Recall website.
- Silver
- $100 - $249
- Your name or company name on the Divers Recall website and the banner at the Recall.
- Keg
- $100
- Your name or company name on the Divers Recall website and the banner at the Recall
A single person or family donating $100 or more will receive free admission to the Divers Recall. This does not include donations made by companies, groups, teams, etc..
Please indicate what name you want on the website and banner in the notes section during checkout if different than your name. Such as your company name, your team name, etc.